Storm Fiona Update & Notice of Force Majeure

26 Sep Storm Fiona Update & Notice of Force Majeure

According to Environment Canada, Storm Fiona made landfall as a category-2 hurricane strength post-tropical cyclone near Whitehead Nova Scotia during the early morning hours of September 24th, 2022 with what is expected to be the lowest recorded barometric pressure in Canadian History. The storm generated severe and damaging winds, torrential rainfall and destructive storm surge. We hope that you and your family are safe as the chaos of the storm passes.

Operations at both PSA Halifax Atlantic Hub (AH) and Fairview Cove (FC) Terminals were severely affected by Storm Fiona which forced both terminals to cease operations on September 23rd 2022 at 18:00 hrs. The storm also caused a power outage at both AH and FC from September 24th 02:00 hrs to September 24th 16:00 hrs. Fortunately, the general conditions of both terminals post-Storm Fiona is good and terminal operations at both AH and FC has since resumed on September 25th at 0800hrs.  

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